Crocked Nose

Crooked Nose: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options

A crooked nose, also known as nasal deviation, is a condition where the nose is not aligned properly with the face. This can be due to various reasons such as trauma, congenital conditions, or underlying medical conditions. A crooked nose can not only affect one’s appearance but also cause breathing difficulties, headaches, and sinus problems.



There are various causes of a crooked nose, including:

  1. Trauma: A broken nose or facial injury can cause the nose to become misaligned and result in a crooked appearance.
  2. Congenital conditions: Some people are born with a crooked nose due to an underlying medical condition. This can also be caused by poor development during fetal growth.
  3. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions such as rhinophyma, which is an overgrowth of the nose’s oil glands, can cause the nose to become crooked.
  4. Aging: As people age, their skin loses elasticity, which can cause the nose to droop and become crooked.
  5. Ill-fitting glasses: Wearing glasses that are too heavy or not properly fitted can also contribute to a crooked nose.


There are several options for treating a crooked nose, including non-surgical and surgical options.

Non-Surgical Options:

  1. Splinting: A splint can be used to straighten the nose and hold it in place. This is a temporary solution and the splint will need to be removed after a few weeks.
  2. Massage: Massaging the nose can help to improve its appearance and alleviate any breathing difficulties.
  3. Injections: Injections such as Botox can be used to temporarily straighten the nose


  1. Rhinoplasty: This is a surgical procedure that can correct the appearance and shape of the nose. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia and typically takes around 2 hours to complete.
  2. Septoplasty: This is a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum, which can cause a crooked appearance of the nose.
  3. Sinus Surgery: Sinus surgery can be performed to correct any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the crooked appearance of the nose.


There are several benefits of scar revision surgery, including:

  1. Improved Appearance: Scar revision surgery can help to improve the appearance of the nose, making it more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Improved Breathing: A crooked nose can cause breathing difficulties, and scar revision surgery can help to alleviate these problems.
  3. Reduced Pain: Scar revision surgery can help to reduce any pain or discomfort that may be associated with a crooked nose.
  4. Improved Self-Esteem: A crooked nose can affect one’s self-esteem, and scar revision surgery can help to boost confidence and improve self-image.
  5. Long-lasting Results: Scar revision surgery is a permanent solution to a crooked nose and the results can last a lifetime.