Voice Change Surgery

Voice change surgery, also known as voice feminization surgery (VFS) or voice masculinization surgery (VMS), is a procedure that alters the pitch and quality of a person’s voice to make it more consistent with their gender identity. The surgery is often sought by transgender individuals who want their voice to match their gender identity.

How Voice Change Surgery Works

Voice change surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves modifying the vocal cords to adjust the pitch and quality of the voice. The surgery is usually done using a laser, which heats the vocal cords and creates scar tissue that tightens the cords and raises the pitch of the voice.

For individuals seeking a higher-pitched voice, the surgeon will typically remove a small amount of tissue from the vocal cords to make them thinner and more flexible. This allows the vocal cords to vibrate more quickly, resulting in a higher-pitched voice.

For individuals seeking a lower-pitched voice, the surgeon will typically make small incisions in the vocal cords to make them thicker and less flexible. This allows the vocal cords to vibrate more slowly, resulting in a lower-pitched voice.


After voice change surgery, patients will typically experience some discomfort and hoarseness in their voice for a few days or weeks. It is important to rest the voice and avoid talking too much during this time to allow the vocal cords to heal properly.

It can take several months for the full effects of the surgery to become apparent. Patients may need to work with a speech therapist to learn how to use their new voice effectively and make it sound natural.


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications associated with voice change surgery. These can include bleeding, infection, scarring, and damage to the vocal cords. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and make an informed decision about whether voice change surgery is the right choice for you.

Alternatives to Voice Change Surgery:

While voice change surgery is an effective way to alter the pitch and quality of the voice, it is not the only option available. For individuals who do not want to undergo surgery, there are other methods of voice modification, such as voice therapy, that can help them achieve a more gender-appropriate voice.

Voice therapy involves working with a speech therapist to learn how to adjust the pitch, resonance, and intonation of the voice to achieve a more gender-appropriate sound. It can be a highly effective option for some individuals, but it may take longer to achieve the desired results than with surgery.



Voice change surgery is a procedure that alters the pitch and quality of a person’s voice to make it more consistent with their gender identity. It is typically sought by transgender individuals who want their voice to match their gender identity. The surgery involves modifying the vocal cords using a laser, and it can take several months for the full effects of the surgery to become apparent. While there are risks and complications associated with the procedure, it can be an effective way to achieve a more gender-appropriate voice. For individuals who do not want to undergo surgery, there are other methods of voice modification, such as voice therapy, that can also be effective.